What Does a Paddock Master Do?

The Paddock Masters role is to ensure dogs are staged / lined up to wait to run in a safe manner above all else and within the assigned runblocks to the best of their ability. The Paddock Master does have the authority to alter the lineup for safety reasons, or in the overall best interests of everyone in the area, or for any reason they deem appropriate. Some things that may affect this are weather, overly exuberant dogs or other issues that may cause en event to run behind in spite of everyones desires or best efforts. 

Always keep in mind that the Paddock Master is a volunteer and they need everyone's support to do their job to their best abilities.  Please don't hover over or hang around the Paddock Master. They will call out dogs when they are ready to place them in the queue. They need to be able to focus on their role and standing too near them and carrying on conversations nearby won't help you or anyone else in any way. We try to run everyone as close to the published schedule as possible. We welcome you to ask for a deviation if necessary, such as for a ring conflict or other similar issue but please accept the decision of the Paddock Master. They are fully aware of the overall schedule for the day, whereas you may only know of your own situation. The Paddock Master will do their best to accomodate special requests, but any sort of bullying or badgering will not help your case.

Note:  When ring conflicts do present an issue with being available for an assigned runblock, it's not necessary to notify the Paddock Master if you want to run later.  You can just show up when ready and let them know you are present and available to run and they'll work you in at the next available spot that doesn't create an inconvenience to those running in their assigned runblock.  If you want to try to run earlier, you may ask the Paddock Master, but don't argue if they say they can't fit you in earlier.  Be prepared to wait if necessary. They know more about the overall schedule than you do.

Remember, this is all supposed to be fun for everyone, including the volunteers!  Be positive and supportive to the best of your ability!