Can I make changes to an entry I've already submitted on Tally Ho Events?

We hope you'll make every effort to ensure you enter the events correctly and don't need to make any changes later as this adds work to our team.  However, we recognize that sometimes "life happens" and it's necessary to make changes.  Changes can be made prior to the event closing date and for very limited reasons after an event closes.
If changes are necessary, you can use the "Contact Us" button.  Be sure to include the event name and date and a clear explanation of what you'd like to change.  (We can't easily look up AKC Event Numbers and this will only cause delays in providing answers to your questions.  We will reply to you to ask for the event name and date instead.)  Be aware that we can't get you into any events or run blocks that have already closed or filled.
Please DO NOT ask to make changes onsite during the day of the event.  At that point, the paperwork has all been finalized and delivered (actually, this occurs 2-3 days prior to any events...) and everyone is too busy to attempt to make any changes.  Submit your request via the "Contact Us" button and be patient.  We will respond when able.
Remember, there is no such thing as a "Fast CAT EMERGENCY!"